The Engagement Strategy group is a consultancy firm working with companies all over the world to help them find their unique "voice" and create their own world of content, values and meaning so that they can develop and maintain strong communities, harnessing their power for growth.

LinkedIn tips: Private mode, who viewed my profile, free or premium account, how to increase engagement

Understanding LinkedIn Private Mode: Is it Good or Bad for Networking?

LinkedIn is considered by many business professionals as the best resource for networking, marketing and building new contacts and relationships. It gives you a simple way to interact with the sort of business professionals you’re interested in, and makes it easy to showcase your talent and experience. The platform is known for its transparency as…

Community based marketing case study

How to increase traffic to your booth and website, leads and sales by harnessing your community as a marketing team

Case Study for B2B and B2C companies that want to up their trade show game and overall online presence without increasing budget A client of ours recently tripled the number of leads they brought back from a trade show. That’s right, 3X the leads they would normally bring back from that particular trade show. The…

Las Vegas

#CES2018 about to kick off – what to expect and a must see list

Elinor Cohen Named one of the top ten tech influencers for CES 2018 Earlier this week Digiobs, the French PR company, published its “what to expect” report for CES 2018, naming The Engagement Strategy Group’s Elinor Cohen, one of the top ten CES2018 tech influencers. In addition to naming the leading people talking about CES…

storytelling background old books

Storytelling – an art everyone needs to master & 2 great TEDx talks about it

What is Storytelling? Storytelling is something we all do, whether or not we’re aware of it. From campfires and shamans thousands of years ago, through cave wall paintings and hieroglyphs, to books and presentations. If you’re teaching your kids something – you tell a story, if you pitch an idea to your boss – you…

Engagement Strategy

Engagement Strategy – what it is and why you need it in your marketing

“Engagement” is a rather loose term and one of the trendiest buzzwords. It is one of the things every marketer says they want to (know how to and can) generate for the brand they are marketing, and at the same time it is not easy to measure as it is not tangible. This is why,…